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4 questions to ask yourself about digital transformation

Answering these questions can help increase your chances of succeeding in your digital transformation!
Photo de Libéo
4 min
13 Oct, 2020
Bannière avec des icônes de cellulaire, de nuage et de questions pour résumer la transformation numérique

The digital transformation of a company is usually observed through the integration of new technologies into internal and/or external processes. Indeed, it provides tools to support and accelerate processes so that innovation becomes an important development factor. Once transformed, companies become more efficient and competitive. However, several studies have shown that technology itself is only a small part of digital transformation. Vision, digital strategy, organizational culture must all be taken into account to propel change. In this article, we have collected questions regarding this digital transformation. Answering these questions can help increase your chances of passing it!

Question 1: What is the objective of my digital transformation? 

According to a Léger study, more than 80% of Canadian companies plan significant technology spending over the next 2 years. So what business objectives can lead to such expenses? Here are a few :

  • Continue to grow and surpass competitors
  • Gain efficiency in operations
  • Increase your income and/or reduce your costs
  • Acquire new customers
  • Increase employee productivity or attract an experienced workforce
  • Create added value for users and meet their new requirements
  • Renew forms of interaction with stakeholders
  • etc.

In short, such objectives make it possible to draw a guideline that the company can follow to undertake its digital transformation. With this alignment, it becomes easier to make decisions and determine priorities. Above all, when the objectives are clearly defined, the entire company puts its efforts on the projects providing the most value. So, what are yours?

Discover tips for setting your business goals.

Share a common vision

First, the main objective of a digital transformation must be conveyed and shared at all levels of the company. Indeed, it is important to meet with key employees and collaboratively determine the why of this approach. Then, by adequately communicating business objectives internally, teams more easily engage in new changes. In this way, they become ambassadors of the common vision of the company’s digital transformation. So where do you want to go?

Question 2: what approach should I adopt for my digital transformation?

Even companies with a significant delay do not start from “zero” in their digital transformation. Indeed, most organizations have already found ways to use digital solutions either through interactive websites, improved customer services or even mobile experiences. However, seeking to transform from a digital point of view means wanting to provide its clients and teams with more effective tools that meet their needs and realities. Therefore, the user experience must be at the center of any digital shift.

From this starting point which is the user, the strategic approach to the transformation of a company generally follows one of the following three paths:

  1. build your knowledge and processes by creating and integrating digital solutions into the business
  2. Make strategic changes, i.e. improve, expand or reshape your digital solutions
  3. Continuously research and develop innovations by building new capabilities for the business

Opt for co-creation

Whether a company is at the very beginning of implementing digital tools, in the evolution of its solutions or in pure innovation, the approach to follow must align business objectives and user needs. . After all, it is their opinions that will determine the level of adoption and success of a digital transformation. Thus, by including co-creation workshops in the start-up phase of their shift, an important measure of success is taken into account.

In this sense, here are some crucial questions that these workshops can help answer:

  • Where are services and products located on the physical-digital continuum in your industry?
  • What is the level of user adoption of mobility and digital tools?
  • What are users’ expectations?
  • Have strategic actions in digital transformation been undertaken by other players in the industry?
  • What is the degree of integration at each stage of the transformation into the company culture?

Discover the usefulness of Design Thinking workshops and Design Sprints, even when working remotely

Question 3: What resources do you have available for your digital transformation?

Resources refer not only to the budget available to initiate the digital transition, but also to skills. Who will be affected by the organization’s digital changes? How can we positively transform the digital experiences of all employees? What is the most effective and intuitive way to guide customers or employees toward the desired outcome? How can we simplify the tools and processes available to the company? Digital tools affect so many aspects of customer relationships and business operations that it can be difficult to know where to start. Thus, it is important to align business issues, user needs, but also the feasibility of the solutions. This feasibility requires in particular the human, material and financial resources available.

Decide where to make changes

You must be able to audit your business to clearly understand its resource needs. What are the key areas for improvement? What is already in place? What changes need to be made? The steering committee must be able to understand all the issues. To do this, it is advisable to review each of the company’s areas of activity to see what is working well and what is not. Also, this helps establish the threats, opportunities, difficulties and current digital capacity of the company.

Question 4: which partners to rely on for digital transformation?

What should businesses do to get ahead of the competition in the digital age? Experts in the field know how to guide solutions that respect all of the previous points: business objectives, user needs and available resources. Thus, establishing a partnership for your digital transformation allows you to receive adequate support.

Create a trusted partnership

A partnership of trust is built with the sharing of expertise both technologically and strategically. Indeed, he must be able to offer a global service and support and be a single point of contact for the company in transformation.

Discover Libéo’s service offering.

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