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Digital News - October 2019

Every month, we are happy to share some articles that we particularly liked. In order and disorder, we will discuss techno and design!
Photo de Libéo
4 min
4 Oct, 2019
Libéo logo in front of a smiling robot

Here is a bit of reading to enjoy with your pumpkin spice latte.

Biggest Techno Trends in 2020, Get Ready

Understanding the key technology trends will help businesses seize opportunities. Bernard Marr, bestselling author, speaker and strategic advisor on business and technology, shares seven techno trends that everyone should be preparing for in 2020.

Very complete article not to be missed on Forbes.

How Grocery Will Become Like Tech Companies

eMarketer Editor-in-Chief Rimma Kats and Senior Analyst Andrew Lipsman explain in this podcast how grocery stores are going to evolve and how many people could replace in-store shopping. And you, how will your business evolve with this boom in voice commerce?

To learn more, listen to the podcast on eMarketer.

Design Sprint 3.0, Accelerate Business Problem Solving

We can’t help but promote the 2-day immersive workshop led by our experts on October 17–18 in Montreal. Have you always dreamed of using a method to energize your ideation? Whether you are in charge of projects, team leaders or anyone who wants to create better solutions, Design Sprint is for you! You can go so far as to revolutionize the way your team responds to critical business questions, launch projects, and define marketing and growth strategies by practicing the tools and techniques of a Design Sprint.

It’s an event not to be missed thanks to our partner Infopresse!

How Tech Leaders Can Improve Their Team Culture?

As technology continues to develop and is integrated into nearly every industry, tech staff are becoming more and more vital to the success of a company. Most tech teams have to-do lists that are never empty and are rarely short. It’s vital to have a strong team culture to encourage collaboration and ensure everyone is working together.

Check out all the tips on Forbes.

6 in 10 Baby Boomers Are Digital Buyers

Boomers are not indifferent to the benefits of online shopping. However, they are more likely to use their personal computer than a mobile device. Their reluctance to use smartphones for any and everything tends to limit the digital proportion of their overall shopping — as does their worry about digital privacy. eMarketer portrays this generation and their use of digital purchase.

For the latest figures, consult eMarketer.

Team culture, Design Sprint 3.0 and technologies … these October 2019 readings are sure to kick off your month!

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