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A redesign that does good




A redesign that does good A redesign that does good


  • Drupal
  • Security and stabilization during peak consultation periods
  • Customization for PEPS
  • Possibilities of connection to Multiple APIs


A platform that meets the current and future needs of the PEPS

Drupal has enabled the creation of a secure and personalized experience for PEPS users, highlighting various sports activities and the most sought-after information. The digital product developed for PEPS incorporates modern features for an optimal user experience. Notably, the implementation of the necessary structure to update essential information in real-time for sports activities and events at the PEPS of Laval University.

Our solution

A product developed with a user centric focus

By adopting an agile and collaborative approach, we created a platform for the PEPS that is both interactive and flexible, meeting the specific needs of the PEPS at Laval University in Quebec City. This all happened in a record time that exceeded the client’s expectations. All of this was possible because of the energy and time the PEPS’ team put at the beginning of the mandate, during our co-design workshops.


The PEPS at Laval University, a cornerstone in the city of Quebec and the Capitale-Nationale region, has reached a crucial milestone with this redesign. Users, both internal and external, are delighted with the improvements made, especially in terms of access to information through its new platform. Numerous benefits are emerging; users from the newsletter, the pavilion, and everywhere else can more easily find the services that interest them. Athletes have easier access to the PEPS platform. The sports center at Laval University is now synonymous with innovation and excellence in the digital field, thanks to this redesign that benefits PEPS.

Highlighting the different types of sessions offered in order to optimize classification and facilitate the user journey.

Create classes by segmenting clienteles to direct the user to the right service offer.

Although PEPS is known for its sports offerings, it also manages several major events that needed to be highlighted.

Contact us

Our passion for digital is only matched by our passion for people. We are already looking forward to discussing your digital product with you. Write to us or come see us at one of our offices or in a video conference. See you soon!

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