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Search, reserve and play


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Search, reserve and play Search, reserve and play

Our solution

Technologies and simplicity at the service of golfers

Tee-Time.ca presents an application dedicated to golf, combining technology and simplicity to enrich the experience of golfers and golf field managers. Thanks to this intuitive platform, reserving a departure has never been easier.

Our solution allows effective management of the starting slots, ensuring maximum occupation and a reduction in dead time for the routes. By adopting Tee-Time.ca, golf clubs benefit from increased visibility and optimized planning, while golfers enjoy flexibility to choose and reserve their ideal schedule.

This integrated approach helps golf courses to make the most of their resources, aligning the needs of golfers with club reception capacities, thus creating a harmonious and productive ecosystem.

Technology at score for Tee-Time

To develop the tee-time.ca platform, we used a combination of robust and modern technologies to provide an optimal user experience. Here is an overview of the key technologies used and the features they bring to the application:

  • Laravel
  • InertiaJS
  • Elastic Search
  • Chronogolf

To offer an optimal user experience, we have reproduced Chronogolf entities as a main data source and implemented data synchronization, manual and automatic. Elastic Search, in conjunction with Laravel Scout, allows rapid search for tee times. For the administration, we have joined Laravel Nova, facilitating the management of resources such as organizations, routes and reservations. Finally, Laravel Cashier manages online payments via Stripe, ensuring fluid synchronization of customer payment data.

“No-show” policy to ensure that players show-up to their reservations.

Find all your reservations and be able to cancel them easily.

Consult all the tee times available at a glance, on all your devices.

Immediate membership

Users quickly welcomed the product. The broadcast of an advertisement on RDS during the hours of great listening to the masters tournament to captivate the attention of golfers. Thus propelling the acquisition of users when the product marketed.


The creation of Tee-Time has transformed the reservation experience for golfers, offering them an intuitive, fast and efficient platform. Golfers are already there, with a large number of visitors testifying the enthusiasm and rapid adoption of the solution. Thanks to advanced technological integration and simplified management, Apexgolf facilitates access to golf courses and optimizes club operations. This initial success promises a bright future for Apexgolf, consolidating its place as an essential application for golf enthusiasts.

Contact us

Our passion for digital is matched only by our passion for humans. We are already looking forward to discussing your digital product with you. Write us or come see us at one of our offices or in teleconference. See you soon!

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